About Hustle The Most

Do you have hustle? Hustle The Most is a series of short stories that really focuses on getting it done. How we apply our learnings to make our failures into our successes. We fail often but the question is always, what did we learn from it? Did we fail forward or did we just quit. Failure is not something that should be looked down on. A good failure can quickly become a new side hustle, business model or a come up.

My Hustle has always come for a place of having nothing and wanting more. Hustle is a mind set and a work ethic that is always in a state of constant motion. Always moving forward toward a goal of some sort.

More about Wes:

Wes Keely is a Senior Designer in the Innovation Health Care space. He is an experiential industrial designer, entrepreneur and innovator who has successfully taken products and experiences from concepts to retail shelves. While receiving his BFA in Industrial Design from Kendall College of Art and Design he also launched a successful startup that is still thriving today.

As the owner a successful startup drum and music company his KBrakes drum accessory line is sold in over 90 countries. The problem of the kick drum sliding away from drummers is a problem that had been troubling the drumming world for decades.

Wes’ company KBrakes is a product line that solves that problem and focuses on creating a very seamless and more solid playing experience for drummers of all ages and skill levels. He is no stranger to this problem after years of extensively touring the world drumming for rock and metal bands. He saw a gap in the market that had to be filled.

You can often find Wes at colleges presenting design based talks around designing products, entrepreneurship and building your tool kit. Currently Wes is a student mentor for young college design students at Kendall College of Art and Design and a few other colleges in West Michigan. He is currently designing products, furniture, spaces and experiences for several Health Care spaces around the United States.